Recently, I came across an interesting problem of providing users their own sandbox environment to make changes in isolation, and have the ability to essentially merge them with live data.

Sounds like Git and branches?

Lets say, the application provides the ability to create categories, sub categories etc. They can create their own workspace, i.e branch where their changes does not affect live data, i.e master.

Before we talk about branches, lets talk about timeseries first.

Timeseries in Graph database

The basis of this model is to maintain all relationships. Never delete, instead expire. There are several ways of doing this, but in this example, I am going to use relationship properties. I am using Neo4j to spike this out.

Lets create some categories and build a tree.

create (c:category {name: 'cat 1'});
create (c:category {name: 'cat 2'});
create (c:category {name: 'cat 3'});

match (a:category), (b:category)
where = "cat 1" and =  "cat 2"
create (a)-[:has {branch: 'master', from: 0, to: 2148530400000}]->(b);

match (a:category), (b:category)
where = "cat 1" and =  "cat 3"
create (a)-[:has {branch: 'master', from: 0, to: 2148530400000}]->(b);
Initial Categories
Initial Categories Result

Ignore branch property for now in relationships [:has {branch: 'master', from: 0, to: 2148530400000}].

Key is that it has from and to properties indicating creation time and expiration time respectivley. These properties with value 0 indicates begining of time and 2148530400000 indicates end of time.

Note: If you are going to use milliseconds as end of time, be aware of year 2038 problem

Lets add some more categories to the tree at T-1 and T-2.

create (c:category {name: 'cat 4'});
create (c:category {name: 'cat 5'});

# At time T-1
match (a:category), (b:category)
where = "cat 2" and =  "cat 4"
create (a)-[:has {branch: 'master', from: 1, to: 2148530400000}]->(b);

# At time T-2
match (a:category), (b:category)
where = "cat 2" and =  "cat 5"
create (a)-[:has {branch: 'master', from: 2, to: 2148530400000}]->(b);

Additional Categories
Additional Categories at Time T-1 and T-2

To get everything at Time T1:

match (n:category)-[rel:has]-(:category) 
where rel.from <= 1 
return n
Graph at time T-1
Graph at Time T-1

To get everything that is not expired:

match (n:category)-[rel:has]-(:category) 
where = 2148530400000
return n

Having this model as a basis, you can now traverse the graph based on time. Remember:

  1. When you add a node, add a relationship between the node or start node, whose creation time is now and expiration time is infinity.
  2. When you delete a node, only update expiration time for all the relationships associated with that node. Do not delete the node itself.


We added branch property to all our relationships. Lets say we have branch name test-branch created at time T-4.

User added category 6 as a child of category 3 at T-4 on test-branch.

create (c:category {name: 'cat 6'});

match (a:category), (b:category)
where = "cat 3" and =  "cat 6"
create (a)-[:has {branch: 'test-branch', from: 4, to: 2148530400000}]->(b);

At T-5, user also added category 7 as child of category 3 on master.

create (c:category {name: 'cat 7'});

match (a:category), (b:category)
where = "cat 3" and =  "cat 7"
create (a)-[:has {branch: 'master', from: 5, to: 2148550400000}]->(b);

The query to find everything has changed. You will now need to include branch name in your query. To find everything on master:

match (c:category)-[rel:has]-(:category) 
where rel.branch = 'master' 
return c;
Everything on master
Everything on master without test branch category 6

However, to query branches is more complicated. Since, we want to include everything that has not expired on or before the time of branch creation, T-4, but also, everything after on test branch.

match (c:category)-[rel:has]-(:category) 
where rel.branch = 'test-branch'
or rel.from <= 4 and rel.branch = 'master'
WITH rel.branch as b, c, rel ORDER BY rel.from DESC # 1
WITH b, c,HEAD(COLLECT(rel)) as latestRel # 2
return c;
  1. Grouping by branch name, and ordering by creating time. This will put branch relationships at top of selection. This is important, since users could have expired and added new relationships on master since branch was created.
  2. Taking the lastest relationship, as the last one is latest from our branch or latest from master.

Note: Expired relations are not taken into account as part of the query above. You will need to filter for expired ones as well based on your usecase.

Everything on master
Everything on test branch

You will see that only Category 6 is present under Category 3, Category 7 is excluded.

Can the model be improved?

Absolutely. This was a spike, just to prove that branching can be accomplished. I will be posting an alternate way of doing this in future using relationship nodes.

Things to consider

There were some learnings.

  • Use graph database to maintain the structure and not the values. Use a different store for that.
  • Creating a node for state (values stored outside) can help answer if there is a difference between 2 branches. If not, will need to replicate timeseries in the other store as well.
  • Queries for branches do get complex.
  • Cleaning up branch information in this particular model is not performant, since you will be querying the entire graph to find relationships belonging to a particular branch. May want to consider relationship nodes between nodes. And have branch nodes associated with them.

It is a approach to solve branching model. Try it out.
