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My name is Sandeep Aggarwal. I'm a digital carpenter working in Chicago, IL.

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Automate Semantic Versioning

Automate Semantic Versioning

Every now and then, I come across teams who have developed a custom way of versioning their applications, artifacts etc. Some prefer manual tagging git commits with sem version, others prefer a file to be committed. There are several ways...

Code is for humans - Chapter 1

Code is for humans - Chapter 1

When you execute a command with options, do you use short or long option? And when you write a script, do you use short or long option?

ErgoDox EZ - Most likely my last keyboard

ErgoDox EZ - Most likely my last keyboard

I have been typing on ErgoDox for about 6 months now. And I may have configured it probably 10 times. I also own Advantage Kinesis, and I have used that for good 3 - 4 years. I loved my kinesis,...